Good Food Dialogues
Informing Equitable Nutrition & Food Policy Solutions

Food Systems Summit Dialogues –a powerful opportunity to engage meaningfully, explore collectively and emerge resiliently for sustainable food systems.

Where are the Good Food Dialogues, now?

Led by Food Systems for the Future, Good Food Dialogues is driving national and international efforts to energize and empower communities around grassroots solutions to the domestic and global hunger crisis.

Good Food Dialogues, elevates the voices and perspectives of stakeholders of all backgrounds who believe in a multisector approach to equitably and sustainably addressing the hunger, nutrition, and diet-related disease needs of underserved and low-income communities and provides opportunities to participate in food systems change. 

We encourage anyone interested in addressing food system inequities to host a Local Dialogue – an event convened by people and organizations advocating for or supporting equitable food policy to gather and discuss food system challenges and solutions; or submit a Local Voice, an opportunity for those with lived experiences to share anecdotes, opinions, and perspectives related to improving health, nutrition and hunger outcomes for all.

Together we can drive the change required to create a healthier and hunger-free world – get involved today!

Who can convene a Good Food Dialogue?

Anyone with an interest in ending hunger, improving nutritional outcomes, and reducing diet-related diseases can convene a Local Dialogue.

Local Dialogues give participants an opportunity to contribute to domestic and global policy efforts intended to improve our food systems, like the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health; COP27; and the Farm Bill.

Through Local Dialogues, participants have the opportunity to explore how multi-sector partnerships – from the local level on up – can successfully, sustainably, and equitably address our greatest food challenges.

Learn more >


Planning to convene a Local Dialogue? Register now to announce your event publicly.

Not ready to convene a Dialogue just yet? We still welcome your perspective!

Individuals and organizations can submit their opinions, stories, and experiences with food access and affordability, hunger, and/or diet-related diseases to our Local Voices page.

Login now to begin your journey and join our efforts to reduce hunger and improve nutrition and health around the world.

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