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About Participation
The Harvard Law School FLPC serves partner organizations and communities by providing
guidance on cutting-edge food system issues while engaging law students in the practice of food
law and policy. Our focus is on increasing access to healthy foods, supporting sustainable and
equitable food systems, reducing waste of healthy, wholesome food, and promoting community-led food system change.
Type of submission
Method used

Major focus
Addressing hunger, nutrition, and health necessitates strong federal action and support. The
following recommendations are based on FLPC’s research and expertise in the areas of food loss
and waste, SNAP, and public nutrition programs. Where appropriate, FLPC has indicated who
should be responsible for implementing the various recommendations. Each of the below
recommendations is quite brief, with footnotes that link to additional FLPC and partner research
showing more detail on the rationale and implementation opportunities for the recommendations.
Several recommendations also include some specific call outs for opportunities for actions
private sector actors can take, either with support from or outside of the work of government.
While organized according to four of the five pillars set out as priorities by the White House
Conference, the recommendations cover the following key areas: (1) expand food access by
promoting safe, edible food redistribution through food recovery; (2) modernize and enhance
SNAP’s ability to reduce food insecurity; (3) increase food access infrastructure, (4) improve
nutrition and health by increasing nutrition education for doctors, (5) increase and expand
produce prescriptions, (5) increase support for food is medicine, (6) expand options for access to
healthy food, (7) increase healthy food knowledge, (8) support healthier food options in federal
spending and facilities, and (9) better coordinate and fund nutrition research and policy.
Main findings
Areas of divergence
Version history
This original version was submitted on 2022-09-14 15:54.
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